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How to Disable Google Play Services on Android

Are you feeling overwhelmed by Google's omnipresence on your Android device? Maybe you're looking to reclaim some digital privacy or...

Windows 10 Mod X-Lite 'ReBirth' Installation + Drivers on PC

Back with another Windows 10 mod OS , yet still by author named FBConan@Team OS, this one is Windows 10 X-Lite with build codenamed 'ReB...

Installing Linux Mint 21 Xfce, Dual Boot with Windows on PC

Linux Mint, the ever popular Linux OS (distro) known for it's beginner friendly, has one flavor featuring the light and popular desktop...

Redirect Old to New Domain with HTTPS without Web Hosting for Free (with Cloudflare)

Got a new domain name for our website and want to redirect the old domain to the new one, but we don't have web hosting for the SSL/HTTP...

Installing Ubuntu Linux OS, Dual Boot with Windows on PC

Ubuntu, one of if not the most popular Linux distro ( OS ) on earth, There are many Linux distros derived from Ubuntu, and I have tried some...