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RiceDroid Android 12L Generic System Image (GSI) - Download + Install on ASUS ZenFone Live L2

RiceDroid is a ROM project based on AOSP and LineageOS. On this post, I will share how to install RiceDroid for any Treble supported Android device by installling the Generic System Image (GSI).

Kitutech — Another Android GSI here, and now it’s RiceDroid Android 12L. I try this GSI first in hand on my ASUS ZenFone Live L2 Android phone. My first impression wow, so awesome (running the Android 12 on the phone itself is already awesome in its own way remembering the device specifications 😆).

The first impression I got on the RiceDroid 12L was it’s highly customizable and has beautiful UI out of the box. But I read some of the review also said RiceDroid as ‘gaming rom’.

RiceDroid Android 12L GSI homescreen
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI quick settings icons
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI quick settings notifications
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI recent apps
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI customizations home
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI settings about menu

RiceDroid Android 12L GSI info

GSI maintainer ats17@Sourceforge
android version Android 12L
partition style AB
architecture ARM64
tested devices ASUS ZenFone Live L2 – using Android 9.0 VNDK Lite vendor

How to install RiceDroid Android 12L Generic System Image (GSI)


  • Project Treble supported Android device.
  • Backups! your Android device data and internal storage, better safe than sorry.
  • Either a custom recovery (TWRP recommended) or a PC with fastboot command.


Various Android devices may have distinct procedures for correctly installing RiceDroid Android 12L GSI. However, the general steps include:

  1. Opt for the stock ROM and/or kernel, avoiding the use of custom alternatives when flashing an Android GSI, in line with phhusson’s recommendations.
  2. Verify your device’s Project Treble compatibility and download the corresponding RiceDroid Android 12L GSI image tailored to your device’s hardware architecture and system. For guidance on this process, refer to: Finding the right GSI image for your Android device using the Treble Info app.
  3. Flash the RiceDroid Android 12L GSI image onto your device’s system partition. Ensure the GSI file has a .img extension; if not, remember to extract or decompress it first (it might be a zip or img.xz).
  4. After flashing the RiceDroid Android 12L GSI, initiate a “Reboot to recovery” to restore normal functioning to the system partition. In the recovery menu, perform a Resize system to refresh the partition size information, resolving potential errors like insufficient space when installing or flashing to the system partition.
  5. [Optional] If you’ve flashed a vanilla Android GSI build, consider installing Google Apps (GAPPS).
  6. Apply any device-specific additional patches, if available.
  7. Your setup is complete! Reboot your Android device to experience the RiceDroid Android 12L GSI.

For ASUS ZenFone Live L2 users, a detailed step-by-step tutorial on effortlessly installing any Android GSI, including RiceDroid Android 12L via custom recovery, is available here: How to install Android GSI on ASUS Zenfone Live L2.

RiceDroid Android 12L GSI quick tour video on Youtube.

Bugs on RiceDroid Android 12L I found

  • (Version: 2022/10 or v. 5.0 ) [Asus ZenFone Live L2] Stuck when boot into recovery mode.
RiceDroid Android 12L GSI.img.xz
All Builds: Sourceforge
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