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Project Sakura Q Android Generic System Image (GSI) Download + Review

Kitutech — Searching high and low for a perfect Android GSI, now I stumbled upon a quite unique GSI called Project Sakura.

So what is so different from Project Sakura? Other than it’s catching name maybe, it is one of few ROM project left that still based on LineageOS.

Quoting from the info from the GSI source, this Project Sakura Q GSI is actually ported from ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1 ROM.

Project Sakura Android GSI info

Project Sakura logo banner GSI
name Project Sakura
maintainer Nippon GSI @Telegram (https://t.me/nippongsi)
build Unofficial
android version Android 10 Q
partition style A / AB
architecture ARM64

How to Install Project Sakura Android GSI (Example for ASUS Zenfone Live L2)

For detailed steps about how to install an Android GSI for ASUS Zenfone Live L2, you can read it on: How to Install Generic System Image (GSI) on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

To get to know what bugs I usually found on GSI I used on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone, check it on: Common GSI Bugs on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

Quick review of Project Sakura Android GSI on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2

Project Sakura Q GSI homescreen
Project Sakura Q GSI quick settings
Project Sakura Q GSI Settings menu
Project Sakura Q GSI Sakura Configs

Unlike most of ROM project that is based on AOSP, Project Sakura made a choice to built the ROM project around LineageOS instead.

But unlike LineageOS that is only ships minimal features of customizations, Project Sakura Q instead extended it to become full featured ROM like CrDroid or Bliss.

And what’s awesome of this Project Sakura Android Q GSI built is, it has working FM radio on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone (I was using the ARM64AB). Maybe it is because the GSI is ported from ASUS Zenfone Max Pro M1 ROM which perhaps shares some similarity in hardware or software.

Bugs I found on this Project Sakura Android GSI on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2

I was installed the ARM64AB of this Sakura Project GSI on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone and found some bugs:

  • Dead flashlight
  • Dead camera

However the above bugs seems more like to my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 vendor bugs as I also experienced it when using another GSI with the Android 10 vendor of the phone.

Project Sakura Android GSI download link

Project Sakura GSI – ARM64-AB | 2020-08-05.7z

Project Sakura GSI – ARM64-Aonly | 2020-08-05.7z

Project Sakura Android Q GSI video on Youtube
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