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Installing Windows 10 Pro on Toshiba Dynabook R734/K Laptop with Drivers + Bluetooth

Kitutech — Toshiba Dynabook R734/K is a laptop released around 2014-2016 (I can’t find exact date, just guessing). I bought a used one of this laptop 6 months ago, and from the stickers this laptop maybe released with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 preinstalled (There are two stickers I found on my laptop).

When I bought my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K, it comes with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit preinstalled from the seller. Because it is a used laptop, reinstalling the OS is a priority to make sure the laptop is clean system wise.

So, now I will share how I installed the Windows 10 Pro 64-bit on my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K along with all its drivers, including the Bluetooth driver.

Steps installing Windows 10 Pro 64-bit on Toshiba Dynabook R734/K

  1. Prepare the Windows 10 64-bit installation media. Here I am, using Rufus program to make the Windows 10 installation media into a USB stick.
    Rufus configurations Windows 10 Pro for my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K
  2. Boot into BIOS. Restart the laptop, then when the laptop start turning on, keep repeatedly pressing F12 until your Toshiba Dynabook R734/K entering the BIOS menu.
  3. Now we are entering the BIOS or Boot Menu. If you have not plugged in the installation media, now is the time.
    BIOS main menu Toshiba Dynabook R734/K - Boot menu
  4. If we see the installation media listed on the boot menu (for example on my case is USB Memory), then we can choose it by pressing Enter on it to boot right away and start the Windows 10 installation media (use arrow keyboard to navigate), if not proceed to step 5.
  5. [Optional] If we cannot see the installation media listed on the Boot Menu of our Toshiba Dynabook R734/K, then we need to change the boot priority to the installation media from the BIOS setting:
    1. From the main Boot menu, choose Enter SetupAdvanced.
    2. Scroll down and choose Change Boot Order.
    3. Rearrange the list so the installation media is placed at the top, in my case it’s USB Memory (use the touch pad to reach the Move Up / Move Down button). Choose OK after we done.Boot priority on BIOS menu Toshiba Dynabook R734/K
    4. Lastly, choose the Exit → Exit Saving Changes to restart the laptop and it should be starting the Windows 10 installation media.
  6. Installing the Windows 10 Pro. Just like a normal Windows 10 installation process, follow the steps by choosing the disk partition, finishing the setup wizard, etc. until our Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop boot into the Windows 10 desktop.

Installing drivers for Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop on Windows 10

After we successfully boot our Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop and entering the desktop, the last task is installing all its drivers so the laptop can operate optimally.

There are three sources I used to install drivers for my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop, they are:

  • Windows Update / Microsoft server
  • Dynabook website (Bluetooth driver)
  • Auslogics Driver Updater (missing drivers)

Installing Toshiba Dynabook R734/K drivers from Windows Update / Microsoft server

The first and main source to install drivers for our laptop is of course from Windows Update a.k.a. Microsoft server.

Installing Toshiba Dynabook R734/K drivers by updating Windows

  1. Open the Settings menu.
  2. Choose Update & Security → Windows Update.
  3. Keep updating and restarting (when prompted) until there is no update left on the Windows Update.

Fetching Toshiba Dynabook R734/K missing drivers from Device Manager

Next, we will try to fetch missing drivers for our Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop from Microsoft server if available using the device Device Manager menu:

  1. Right click on Windows icon at the bottom left of our taskbar to open the context menu, choose Device Manager. Now we can see all installed device/drivers listed on it.
  2. To look for missing drivers, look the one with yellow exclamation mark.
  3. Right click on the item with yellow exclamation mark, then choose Update driver → Search automatically for drivers to fetch and install the missing driver of it from Microsoft Server.Search driver on Device Manager Windows 10
  4. Repeat step 3 until there is no item with yellow exclamation mark.
  5. Note that there is no guarantee the driver will be available even from Microsoft server. So if there is no driver found on the Microsoft server for our Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop, just let it be and we must choose another source (read more below).

Installing Bluetooth driver for Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop

Bluetooth driver is the most tricky for me, because at first I tried to search and install numerous Bluetooth drivers from various source for my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K but none of them is working normally.

Luckily, after a thorough search I stumbled at Dynabook website and found the correct one that finally made Bluetooth working normally on my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K.

You can download the Bluetooth driver for Toshiba Dynabook R734/K below:

Dynabook Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Driver – TCK0001100C.exe (9.9 MB)

Installing the rest missing drivers of my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K using Auslogics Driver Updater

Auslogics Driver Updater diagnostics on my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K

At this point, I can say my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop is fully ready but I still noticed one or two missing drivers and it just annoy me when I see it on the Device Manager.

So, for the rest of missing drivers I used Auslogics Driver Updater program to install the missing drivers on my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop. Install drivers from the program with missing label only.

We can purchase and install Auslogics Driver Updater program for Windows at the official website: https://www.auslogics.com/en/software/driver-updater/

Note: Don’t rely too much on driver updater programs. Use them as necessary, in this case we only use Auslogics Driver Updater program to install missing driver only.

Updating touch pad driver for Toshiba Dynabook R734/K

After sometimes using my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop, I noticed that simple gesture like scrolling are not working on the touch pad. I was not realize this sooner because I am using mouse most of the times.

The solution? It’s still thanks to Auslogic Driver Updater program. Using the program, look and update driver that has mouse icon on it to install updated touch pad driver and make our touch pad more useful.

Youtube video on installing Windows 10 Pro with all the drivers on my Toshiba Dynabook R734/K laptop
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