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Bless Android 10 Q GSI Download + Review

Bless is a GSI built that basically is Bliss OS, one of the most popular and used Android custom ROM project known to provide users with latest features and customizations to the Android devices.

Kitutech — Looking for a good Android GSI today is not hard because GSI is become pretty popular today in Android community as an alternative to custom ROM for users to play with Android modding or even to feel the latest Android version, and one of the best GSI in my opinion is Bless Android 10 Q.

Bless Android 10 Q GSI banner

Just like I said, Bless is basically built based on Bliss OS custom ROM project. Using Bless, users can feel the pure Android experience or even customize it to make the User Interface completely unique to other users.

Bless Android 10 Q GSI info

gsi Bless
maintainer eremitein @Github
build Official
android version Android 10 Q
partition style A / AB
architecture ARM / ARM64 / Binder (A64)

Quick review of Bless Android 10 Q GSI

Bless Android 10 Q screenshots by Itx_No_One @Telegram (https://t.me/c/1424073104/62459)

There are lots of devs built various GSIs out there, but unfortunately remembering how a GSI can work in the first place, many of the GSIs build are full of bugs. eremitein’s build is one of the best GSI build in my opinion, and one of the best of his job is the Bless GSI.

When I tried Bless Android 10 Q GSI on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 which is considered a low end smartphone designed originally for Android 8, surprisingly the performance is very smooth and quite battery friendly. I could say this Bless Android 10 Q GSI is even better than the stock ROM overall 😆.

And with the Bliss ROM experienced built, Bless Android 10 Q GSI will make sure you never boring using it because there are tons of customizations and features to spice up your Android device.

How to install Bless Android 10 Q GSI (Example on ASUS Zenfone Live L2)

If you still don’t know how to install a GSI on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone, you can read it here for the complete steps: How to Install Generic System Image (GSI) on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

For common bugs that I usually found on an Android GSI and how to fix it, you can read it here: Common GSI Bugs on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

There are no additional patches required to make Bless Android 10 Q GSI boot on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2.

Bless Android 10 Q GSI download link

Bless Android 10 Q GSI | All Target Builds

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