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AOSP Quack Android 10 Q Generic System Image (GSI) Download + Review

This is the project that makes it all possible for we now to able installing Android GSIs just like everyday custom ROM: Treble Experimentation. The GSI I talking about now is the AOSP Android 10 (codenamed Quack) by phhusson, which also the first GSI I ever installed.

Kitutech — Like I said, AOSP 10 GSI Quack is the first GSI I ever installed on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone. And you should too install the AOSP from Treble Experimentation as your first GSI because other GSIs you will find will most likely using patches from the Treble Experimentation.

AOSP Android 10 Quack GSI banner illustration

In short word, you should install the AOSP by phhusson first as your first GSI to find whether your Android device support Project Treble. If the AOSP GSI can be booted on your Android device and basic hardware functions like SIM card, brightness, sound, Bluetooth, etc. works normal then your device is support Project Treble and will likely also able to boot other Android GSI.

AOSP (Quack) Android 10 Q GSI info

gsi AOSP (Quack)
maintainer phhusson @github
build Official
discussion XDA Forum
android version Android 10 Q
partition style A / AB
architecture ARM / ARM64 / Binder (A64)

Quick review of AOSP (Quack) Android 10 Q GSI

Android 10 features highlights. Source: www.blog.google

Well, it’s an AOSP, Android Open Source Project, what would you expect ? 😁 Expect the vanilla version of Android experience, it’s good though especially if you came from device with manufacturer that heavily modified the stock ROM like Samsung, ASUS, Xiaomi, etc. so you can know where all those beautiful User Interface (UI) came from.

If you came from older Android version, well there are some noticeable new features in Android 10 like gesture navigation bar, live screen split apps, and even theming options where we can easily change the system UI icons and shapes.

How to install AOSP (Quack) Android 10 Q GSI (example on ASUS Zenfone Live L2)

If you still don’t know how to install a GSI on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone, you can read it here for the complete steps: How to Install Generic System Image (GSI) on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

For common bugs that I usually found on an Android GSI and how to fix it, you can read it here: Common GSI Bugs on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

No additional patches required to boot AOSP Quack Android 10 Q GSI on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone.

AOSP (Quack) Android 10 Q GSI download link

AOSP Quack Android 10 Q GSI v. 222 | All Target Builds

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