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Android 8 Oreo Generic System Image (GSI) List

The hype of Android Generic System Image (GSI) euphoria is all started here, the Android 8.1 GSI or more precisely phhusson’s Treble Experimentation of AOSP 8.1 GSI.

Kitutech — Alright just like I promised, on this blog I will shared the list of Android Generic System Image or GSI that myself tried had successfully booted on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone.

But on this post I will first shared the Android 8.1 GSI, 9 and 10 will follow soon. “But why I want to use Android 8.1 if there are GSIs with newer Android version?” Well there are various reasons:

  • ASUS Zenfone Live L2 released with Android 8.0 and this phone is not quite high in hardware specs, so using Android 8 GSI might help improving performance if you like gaming using it, or better battery life.
  • More hackable. Newer Android OS version means harder to hack or it will not have many hacks as older Android version (example are Magisk or Xposed modules).
  • Miracast working! (mostly).

List of Android 8.1 Oreo GSIs that booted on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone

Illustration Android 8 GSI Asus Zenfone Live L2
Illustration: “Android GSI avatar” (modified), source: www.xda-developers.com

Here it is, the list of Android 8.1 GSI that myself tested had successfully booted and running normal on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2, along with it’s pros and cons (and bugs 😝) . I also try to wrote the ROM small details and features type, whether it is has minimal, medium, or complex customization features.

Keep in mind that the bugs I written below may or may not be specific to that linked GSI built only. Click on the GSI name to reveal the info and download link of it.

If you still don’t know how to install a GSI (and common bugs that usually occurred on them), then head over to my another post: How to Install Generic System Image (GSI) on ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android Phone.

Click the name to expand it.

🔵 AOSP 8.1 Treble

Author: phhusson @Github
Type: AOSP Vanilla
Discussion: XDA Forum

The project that started it all, the Treble Experimentation by phhusson. If you installed another GSI on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone, it’s likely the GSI is using patches from this project.


  • Miracast has blank screen.

Download AOSP 8.1 Treble Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI on Github

🔵 ArrowOS

Author: bauuuuu @XDA
Type: Minimal
Discussion: XDA Forum

ArrowOS is an AOSP based project that will help you keeping things simple, clean and neat on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2. ArrowOS added just the right and mostly used stuff that will be actually USEFUL at the end of the day.

Download Arrow OS Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI on Sourceforge

🔵 Bootleggers

Author: Dil3mm4 @XDA
Type: Medium
Discussion: XDA Forum

Bootleggers is a Lineage OS based ROM with lots of customization features, but one of their signature is the “Shisufied” themes built in on the ROM, allowing us to easily change our ASUS Zenfone Live L2 to the Shisufied looks 😆.


  • Bootleggers 2.3: Bootloop, you might need to reinstall GApps (Nano GApps or higher) although the ROM is included Nano GApps.
  • Bootleggers 3.0:
    • Crashed on setup wizard. Solution: Dirty flash from Bootleggers 2.3 or reinstall GApps (use “Stock GApps”).
    • Wired headset undetected. Solution: install overlay fix.
    • Default APN is empty, so you might need Wi-Fi for passing the setup wizard as the mobile data won’t work with empty APN.

Check my quick tour of Bootleggers Oreo GSI to see what’s inside of the ROM on my Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty8Dp1KWYFI.

Download Bootleggers 2.3 Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI via Google Drive

Download Bootleggers 3.0 Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI via Google Drive

🔵 CrDroid

Author: Dil3mm4 @XDA
Type: Complex
Discussion: XDA Forum

CrDroid is a Lineage OS based Android custom ROM that is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today. Make your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 cuztomizable on its every little parts.


  • LED is not turned on when charging battery.

Want to see what’s CrDroid Oreo Android GSI has to offer? You can check it on my Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJiVLZnAFW8.

Download CrDroid Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI via Android File Host

🔵 dotOS

Author: doOS Team
Type: Medium
Discussion: XDA Forum

The first thing I noticed about dotOS when installed it on my ASUS Zenfone Live L2 is it have unique UI designed to Android Pie-ish Material design, very unique indeed to most Oreo ROM which have the default Android 8 AOSP look.

Download dotOS Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI on Sourceforge

🔵 Lineage OS

Author: iamsaalim
Type: Minimal
Discussion: XDA Forum

One of the very “senior” custom ROM ever for Android that being used as source to build numerous other custom ROM project, Lineage OS. Feel the Oreo AOSP experience while having only the very essential customizations on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2.


  • LED light is not turned on when charging battery.
  • Theming settings crashed when opened (may be caused by enforcing selinux on my phone).

Download Lineage OS Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI on Sourceforge

🔵 OmniROM Treskmod

Author: Letzen @XDA
Type: Medium
Discussion: XDA Forum

Treskmod is a mod that will bring Pixel goodies on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2 Android phone based on the OmniROM project, an Android custom ROM variant with feature-packed but always with stability as #1 priority in mind based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and enriched with lots of custom enhancements.


  • Blacked out stock camera app.
  • Miracast blank screen.

Download OmniROM Treskmod Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI via Google Drive

🔵 Resurrection Remix

Author: mracar @XDA
Type: Complex
Discussion: XDA Forum

Resurrection Remix ROM is based on CyanogenMod (now Lineage OS), SlimRoms, Omni and original Remix ROM builds: This creates an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the most new features for you to enjoy on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2.


  • Wired headset undetected. Solution: Install overlay fix.
  • LED light not turned on when charging battery.

To see more about features of Resurrection Remix Oreo Android GSI, you can check my quick tour video of it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBkrQ0ZV6U.

Download Resurrection Remix Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI on Sourceforge

🔵 XenonHD

Author: yshalsager
Type: Minimal
Discussion: XDA Forum

If you feel Lineage OS is too minimal on your ASUS Zenfone Live L2, then you might want to try XenonHD. XenonHD is a custom ROM for various Android devices. It is based on LineageOS 15.1 with additional features, performance and battery life improvements. The idea behind XenonHD is to give users a ROM that is “blazing fast, rock stable and buttery smooth”.


  • Mobile data is in problem 😝.
  • LED light is unusable completely. Solution: Try to use Gravity Box Xposed module.
  • Wired headset undetected. Solution: Install overlay fix.

Download XenonHD Android 8.1 (Oreo) GSI via Android File Host

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